Howard Gospel Choir
Established in 1968, The Howard Gospel Choir’s main objective is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through song. Our purpose and passion is to serve Christ with our musical gifts, bringing peace, restoration, healing and inspiration to all who will lend their ears and hearts.
Membership & Rehearsals
All those who successfully complete the HGC Audition Process and agree to fulfill the choir’s obligations will be invited to join the membership of the Howard Gospel Choir. Auditions are held two times during each academic year: The Fall (August/September) and Spring (January). For more information, please contact the choir's Auditions Committee via e-mail at: auditions@howardgospelchoir.com.

"Ain't Gonna Let Nobody"
This performance is from the choir's annual regional tour to Vermont.
"Gospel Medley"
ABC television broadcast celebrating the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) “Taking the Stage: African American Music and