Developing Student Leaders through 'Faith, Service, Justice'
The Office of the Dean of the Chapel coordinates University-wide programs that are focused on preparing student leaders to serve with purpose. These large-scale programs support domestic and international communites and spead the University motto of Veritas et Utilitas, Truth and Service.

Our Programs
Howard University - Day of Service
Howard University Day of Service (HUDOS) focuses on community building through eight service-learning initiatives addressing: educational disparities, environmental injustices, community health disparities, housing and food disparities, violence and police brutality, political empowerment, youth outreach, and elderly outreach.
Learn MoreSocial Justice Tutor Program
The Social Justice Tutoring program offers Howard University students the opportunity to work as Tutors and provide supplemental academic support to the children of Howard University faculty, staff and students.
Learn MoreBison Holiday Give Back
Bison Holiday Give Back, formerly known as the Howard University Angel Tree Project, is an impactful campus-wide service-learning project organized by the Howard University Chapel Assistants.
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